Back Bone of Languages

22 Feb 2018

When first learning to program, most people must hardcode basic code, making thousands of lines overused and can strain the eyes. Yet as you progress through the learning process you learn that thousands of lines of code could be reduced to hundreds, by using easy to understand key words. What is the back bone of most codes? Besides the conversion of code to machine language the back bone of coding in modern code is libraries. Libraries of code which simplifies the tedious process of doing it by hand, is the software engineers best friend, why make a function which makes a grid when I can use a simple “ui grid”?

Most software engineers comment that the structure is the most important part of coding. The structure, structure meaning framework of the object would be focused on the most when starting on a project. When starting a project with a group of coworkers, having the framework done is the first part before coding. Usually when the framework of the project is done, coding the whole project takes less time because everything complex is in the framework, meaning you just have to apply it to the code. When you don’t have the framework, and have to hardcode everything, most of the time spent is used to debug code. Debugging code isn’t a problem but when there is a bug that you can’t fix it could take hours, days, worst case you may never be able to fix it.

There are many different frameworks out there, but so far my favorite is one so far the UI framework [here].