Learning javascript

19 Jan 2018

I think that JavaScript is a user-friendly language which is more efficient with helping new coders understand the basics but lacks control compared to a language like C, where I can control every point of a variable, it is similar to C#, but there are key differences. I did learn something while doing exercises, some basic things with JavaScript like variable definitions with var, let and const. I do think that JavaScript is a good language which will be useful for a software engineering perspective because it could be used in networking and in today’s world, networks is everything connecting, receiving and responding. I also think that in athletic software engineering, programmers would use JavaScript since it is more about understanding the concept and being fluent.

For learning I think that WODs are fun and stressful, but an important thing to overcome since software engineers are expected to code under time constraints. The WOD practice that is given online is useful because it gives practice and just attempting the practice people get points which means that it’s okay to not understand the practice. The WODS are stressful but there is a certain excitement from it, being able to solve a problem under pressure is the best feeling if you complete it. I also believe that WODs are one of the best ways of learning because after the WODs you are able to complete any questions related to the WOD that you completed.