Data Storage

This is a program written in C which is able to save data, delete data, print users, search for a user and modify data with a key. The program saves input into a .txt file and into memory, for security reasons a key is needed to access other users data input. This program has examples of pointers which help organize the data and makes sure the data which is inputted is sorted in order. Using this as a basic common point for keeping and securing data in a database, by doing so I can store countless amounts of data and if I can find the data in a short amount of time I can be able to fix the structures of some faulted database.

When the user is done with the program the data is than stored until the next time a user decides to use the program. This was the first time creating a program with a specific API, which makes me appreciate good interfaces. There are also instuctions that help the user when the user is confused with what to do, the TA Tetsuya Idota helped me create a better looking API which would help users and was easy to understand.

Learn more about the TA for ICS212 and the class [Here.]