Practice with C# and modeling using an application called Unreal Engine. Building environment and models which mesh together to create a full scall image. By doing so I get a feel for 3D models and how they interact with other models, this is a personal project that involves self learning on the application. There are my pre made models but I do fix some models to fit the needs that I want, I also connect with networks to help provide better development skills.
I work mostly on environment modeling and but I want to practice more on coding to make custome animations and interactions. I also learned that between interaction and the network of objects to make things smooth you have to create multiple points on the model. By using more of Unreal Engine I hope to use it to make models of real life situations. By having a understanding of models I can create a 3D simulation of anything I want and by doing so create data that would help with mental disabilities by giving models of specific situations to soothe rehabilitation.
You can learn more about Unreal Engine [here]